Sahifa Sajjadia Dua 35

Sahifa Sajjadia 35 In Satisfaction when he Looked upon the Companions of this world
دُعَاؤُهُ فِي الرِّضَا إذا نَظَرَ الى اَصحابِ الدُنيا
Imam Zainul Abideen(as) son of Imam Hussain ibn Ali (as)'s supplication 35 When In Satisfaction when he Looked upon the Companions of this world

الْحَمْدُ للهِ رِضىً بِحُكْمِ اللهِ ،
aal-h'am-du ll-lahee riz''an bih'uk-mil-laah shahit-tu an-nal-laah
1.Praise belongs to God in satisfaction with God's decision!

شَهِدْتُ أَنَّ اللهَ قَسَمَ مَعَايِشَ عِبَادِهِ بِالْعَدْلِ ،
qas-sama maa'ayisha i'baadihee bil-a'd-l
2.I bear witness that God has apportioned the livelihoods of His servants with justice

وَأَخَذَ عَلَى جَمِيْعِ خَلْقِهِ بِالْفَضْلِ.
wa akhad'a a'laa jameei' khal-qihee bil-faz''-l
3.and undertaken bounty for all His creatures.

أللَّهُمَّ صَلِّ عَلَى مُحَمَّد وَآلِهِ،
al-laahum-ma s'al-li a'laa muh'am-madiw-wa aaalih
4.O God, bless Muhammad and his Household,

وَلاَ تَفْتِنِّي بِمَا أَعْطَيْتَهُمْ
wa laa taf-tin-nee bimaaa aa'-t'ay-tahum
5.tempt me not with what You hast given to Your creatures

وَلا تَفْتِنْهُمْ بِمَا مَنَعْتَنِي فَأحْسُدَ خَلْقَكَ، وَأَغْمِطَ حُكْمَكَ.
wa laa taf-tin-hum bimaa manaa'-tanee faah'-suda khal-qak wa agh-mit'a h'uk-mak
6.and tempt them not with what You hast withheld from me, lest I envy Your creatures and despise Your decision!

أللَّهُمَّ صَلِّ عَلَى مُحَمَّد وَآلِـهِ،
al-laahum-ma s'al-li a'laa muh'am-madiw-wa aaalih
7.O God, bless Muhammad and his Household,

وَطَيِّبْ بِقَضَائِـكَ نَفْسِي
wa t'ay-yib biqaz''aaa-ika naf-see
8.delight my soul through Your decree,

وَوَسِّعْ بِمَـواقِعِ حُكْمِكَ صَدْرِي
wa was-sia' bimawaaqii' h'uk-mika s'ad-ree
9.expand my breast through the instances of Your decision,

وَهَبْ لِي الثِّقَةَ لأُقِرَّ مَعَهَا
wa hab leeath-thiqata liuqir-ra maa'haa
10.give to me a trust through which I may admit

بِأََنَّ قَضَاءَكَ لَمْ يَجْرِ إلاَّ بِالْخِيَرَةِ
bi an-na qaz''aaa-aka lam yaj-ri il-laa bil-kheearah
11.that Your decree runs only to the best,

وَاجْعَلْ شُكْرِي لَكَ عَلَى مَا زَوَيْتَ عَنّي
waj-a'l shuk-ree laka a'laa maa zaway-ta a'n-neee
12.and let my gratitude to You for what You hast taken away from me

أَوْفَرَ مِنْ شُكْرِي إيَّاكَ عَلَى مَا خَوَّلْتَنِي
aw-fara min shuk-reee ee-yaaka a'laa maa khaw-wal-tanee more abundant than my gratitude to You for what You hast conferred upon me!

وَاعْصِمْنِي مِن أنْ أظُنَّ بِذِي عَدْم خَسَاسَةً،
waa'-s'im-nee min an az'un-na bid'ee a'damin khasaasah
14.Preserve me from imagining any meanness in someone who is destitute

أَوْ أَظُنَّ بِصَاحِبِ ثَرْوَة فَضْلاً،
aw az'un-na bis'aah'ibi thar-watin faz''-laa
15.or imagining any superiority in someone who possesses wealth,

فَإنَّ الشَّرِيفَ مَنْ شَرَّفَتْهُ طَاعَتُكَ،
fa in-nash-shareefa man shar-rafat-hoo t'aaa'tuk
16.for the noble is he whom obedience to You has ennobled

وَالْعَزِيزَ مَنْ أَعَزَّتْهُ عِبَادَتُكَ.
wal-a'zeeza man aa'z-zat-hoo i'baadatuk
17.and the exalted is he whom worship of You has exalted!

فَصَلِّ عَلَى مُحَمَّد وَآلِهِ
fas'al-li a'laa muh'am-madiw-wa aaalih
18.So bless Muhammad and his Household,

وَمَتِّعْنَا بِثَرْوَة لاَ تَنْفَدُ، وَأَيِّدْنَا بِعِزٍّ لاَ يُفْقَدُ
wa mat-tia'-naa bithar-watil-laa tanfad wa ay-yid-naa bii'z-zil-laa yuf-qad
19.give us to enjoy a wealth which does not run out, confirm us with an exaltation which will never be lost,

وَأَسْرِحْنَا فِيْ مُلْكِ الأَبَدِ
wa as-rih'-naa fee mul-kil-abad
20.and let us roam freely in the kingdom of everlastingness!

إنَّكَ الْوَاحِدُ الأَحَدُ الصَّمَدُ
21.Surely You art the One, 'the Unique, the Eternal Refuge;

الَّذِي لَمْ تَلِدْ وَلَمْ تُولَدْ
al-lad'ee lam talid walam toolad
22.You hast not begotten, nor hast You been begotten,

وَلَمْ يَكُنْ لَكَ كُفُواً أَحَدٌ.
wa lam yakul-laka kufuwan ah'ad
23.and equal to You is not any one' (ref.112:1-4)!