Syeda Fatima's (s.a.) Duaa -

Her Du’a for a table [of food and drink] from the sky





My God and My Master

This is Muhammad Your Prophet

And this is Ali the cousin of Your Prophet

And these are Hasan and Husayn, the grandsons of Your Prophet 

My God, send down on us a table [of food and drink] from the sky

the way You sent it down on the Bani Israel

they ate from it and disbelieved in it

O Allah, send it on us

For we are believers in You 

O Allah this is Fatima the daughter of Your Prophet

Hunger has harmed her

And this is Ali bin Abi Talib

The cousin of Your Prophet

Hunger has harmed him

So send on us, O Allah, a table [of food and drink] from the sky

The way You sent it on the Bani Israel

They disbelieved in it

And we are believers